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Maryville Outreach Center

We are proud to partner with the Maryville Outreach Center and support the good that they do in the community. Their mission is “to glorify God through obedience to the Great Commission (Acts 1:8).”

The Food Pantry and the Residents’ Assistance Program are the focus of the center. The Food Pantry offers help in the areas of food, hygiene items, paper products, and laundry and cleaning supplies. Special baskets are created and distributed during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. The Residents’ Assistance Program provides temporary help in emergency situations in areas such as rent payments, medication needs, or help with utilities.

To qualify, one must be either a resident of Maryville, attend church there, or have a child enrolled in the Maryville Elementary School.

The Maryville Outreach Center also runs a resale shop, Grandma’s Attic, which helps to fund the Food Pantry and Residents’ Assistance Program. The center is run entirely on the work of volunteers.

There are many ways to help, from shopping at the store to donating items to volunteering to make baskets or work shifts. For more information, call 618-345-9693.